Saturday, February 12, 2005


I hate you, I love you,
crammed in these words,
lie an entire life,
with people to care and adore,
with lives to live for and die,
passionate escapades undertake,
with such timeless bound
of starry skies to dream,
under heavenly skies we dare
to take ample risk to love,
hate, just relinquish,
share, care,
cry the joy of living
as we all can say,
I love you

“I hate you”,
thorny cactus for a heart,
show a flower,
yet remain prickly outside,
with just fleshy pseudo,
such despicable games you play,
treat with such unfair hand,
left me like unmoulded clay,
God, wave your magic wand,
make this hate ebb away,
like discarded bad habits,
forlorn, I will make foray,
with time that will set right,
my very strange array,
life’s peculiar dreams will recur,
with smiles, hope and hate disappear,
life as it mends, I love you.

The love-hate relationship of man drawn here as a part of a writing exercise in the Caferati Forum.


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